Monthly Archives: May 2014

What automobile public liability insurance limits do you recommend?

Public liability coverages generally defend against third-party allegations of your negligent action or non-action.  That is, you or another insured are alleged to have committed a civil wrong or tort.  Bodily injury liability (BI) and property damage liability (PD) coverages can be purchased with either split limits –  a separate limit for BI and for PD, or a combined single… Read More »

Rain and Hail – Important Claim Notice

CLAIM REMINDERS REPLANTS – RMA clarification – ‘Failure to obtain AIP consent to replant in advance of replanting will result in denial of the replant claim’ Exceptions may NOT be made even if the original stand remains intact because of inter-seeding, replanted alongside the original damaged rows, or left check strips at the insured’s discretion.  The adjuster must give consent… Read More »

The NAIC: “Consumer’s Guide to Home Insurance”

Author & Copyright:  National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Why You Need Insurance “Homeowners insurance is an important purchase for many people. There are two major reasons to buy homeowners insurance: • To protect your assets Homeowners insurance covers the structure of your home and your personal property, as well as your personal legal responsibility… Read More »