Category Archives: Commercial Lines

New Motor Carrier Coverage Form

The Insurance Services Office, Inc., introduced a new edition of the Motor Carrier Coverage Form in December 2023, which aims to offer greater flexibility than the prior edition. This change responds to the evolving needs of the motor carrier industry. The motor carrier coverage form is a specialized policy designed to cover the automobile insurance… Read More »

What to do, or not do, when reporting an insurance claim

If and when you have an insurance claim to report, you should inform your insurance agent of its occurrence as soon as possible, even if you called the claim in direct to the insurance company.  Reporting direct is not only accepted today, it is encouraged by many insurance companies and agents, including this writer, IF… Read More »

Workers Compensation Rate Decrease for 2024

Pursuant to Iowa Code section 515A.6(7), notice is hereby given that the National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. has made a rate filing which affects the premium rates for workers’ compensation insurance. The rate filing proposes an overall decrease of 12.0% in the voluntary and assigned risk markets from the current rates that became effective on January 1,… Read More »

Respondeat Superior, A Look at When Employers May be Held Liable for Their Employee’s Conduct

Respondeat Superior in Latin literally means “let the superior make answer.” In legal terminology, respondeat superior or “vicarious liability” is the doctrine in which an employer or principle is held liable for their employees’ or agents’ wrongful acts committed within the scope of employment. A California appellate court described the doctrine as follows: Respondeat Superior,… Read More »

2019 Iowa Proposed Workers’ Compensation Rate(s) Reduction – overall 9.2%

Pursuant to Iowa Code section 515A.6(7), notice is hereby given that the National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. has made a rate filing which affects the premium rates for workers’ compensation insurance. The rate filing proposes an overall decrease in voluntary and assigned risk rates of 9.2% from the current rates that became effective January 1, 2018.… Read More »

2018 Worker’s Compensation Rates

Workers compensation insurance rates will again dip in most states in 2018 as claims frequency declines and workplace safety continues to improve, two trends experts are crediting for the double-digit rate decreases proposed and enacted over the past several weeks. “It’s nothing new this year; it’s a continuation of what we are seeing,” said Jeff… Read More »