Monthly Archives: December 2015

U.S. crop insurance attracts new investors

Authors: Ross Larsen, Jan-Henrik Förster and Katherine Chiglinsky | December 21, 2015 | Zurich Insurance Group AG agreed to buy a Wells Fargo & Co. crop-insurance business for as much as $1.05 billion as the Swiss company puts to work excess cash left over from a separate takeover bid that it abandoned this year. The… Read More »

What you don’t know about CLUE can harm you!

Editorial [comments]:  Bob Walton | December 18, 2015 | So, after you filed an insurance claim, your homeowner’s policy was non-renewed, and you couldn’t find another company to insure you for a reasonable premium.  Or, perhaps, your automobile insurance premium was raised because you filed for bankruptcy.  Is this possible?  Yes, it is quite possible,  say the writers at… Read More »

Confusing Iowa Workers’ Compensation Insurance Premium Audits

The court judgment in Iowa’s Stark Construction vs. Lauterwasser litigation is certainly having an impact on Iowa Workers’ Compensation (WC) premium audit procedures. This company’s pre-audit notification letter only surrounds the correct Iowa audit practices with confusion.  Though it cannot be used by the reader as a template for Iowa WC premium audits, it can be… Read More »