Category Archives: Personal Lines

What to do, or not do, when reporting an insurance claim

If and when you have an insurance claim to report, you should inform your insurance agent of its occurrence as soon as possible, even if you called the claim in direct to the insurance company.  Reporting direct is not only accepted today, it is encouraged by many insurance companies and agents, including this writer, IF… Read More »

Soaring Lumber Prices

To anyone planning a home improvement project, an addition or thinking about building a new home: Buyer beware. The price of lumber is hitting all-time highs. Larry Parker just experienced it. He walked into Lowe’s the other day to buy a sheet of OSB plywood for a home project he was doing at his home.… Read More »

Nationwide Auto – Premium Refund

Due to the virus emergency, Nationwide is providing our auto customers a one-time premium relief of $50 per policy for personal auto policies active as of March 31, 2020. If you pay your premium with an automatic withdrawal from your bank account, the $50 will be deposited electronically. If not, you should be receiving a… Read More »

California’s drivers revealed as the nation’s worst

A mix of rising drunk driving incidents, distracted driving, and gridlocked highways has given California the dubious honor of hosting the nation’s worst drivers. Previously in second place, the Golden State now ranks first in the annual study on bad drivers by online insurance marketplace website QuoteWizard, which described the state’s drivers as “firmly the… Read More »