Excerpt from Oskaloosa Herald Newspaper article – link below |
Author: Hailey Brown | April 6, 2016 |
OSKALOOSA – “Should the City of Oskaloosa require golf carts be registered? What type of minimum insurance should be required for golf carts using city streets, if any? These were the questions up for discussion during a study session held on Monday about golf cart protocol in Oskaloosa.” The following link provides the details of this important issue.
Council addresses golf cart process
Though the Oskaloosa City Council may choose to eliminate the twin requirements of golf cart registration and public liability coverage, the golf cart owner’s liability exposure for operation of the cart on a public street will not disappear. This could lead to a nasty surprise at the time of a golf cart accident. Without applicable public liability coverage, the golf cart owner would have neither legal defense payments, nor, if liable, bodily injury or property damage coverage available to pay the claim. It would be out of pocket.
Here are common Homeowner and Auto policy exclusions:
Read what the law firm WKW – Wilson, Kehoe and Winingham, LLC – has to say about golf carts:
“Small towns all across America have seen an influx in golf carts on the roadways. With a top speed of 15 miles per hour [Editor’s Note: 25 mph max], you don’t typically think of them being involved in serious accidents with injuries. However, according to the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), there are approximately 15,000 golf cart related injuries requiring emergency room treatments in the U.S. each year. What happens if you are involved in an accident? Will you be covered?” – Read the entire article:
Driving Through the Gap: Protecting Yourself from Insurance Disputes in Golf Cart Accidents