Category Archives: Humor

Insurance Humor

Over our many years in the insurance business, we have collected a variety of humorous insurance tales, several of which are our own. Many of them involve peculiar, if not outright wacky, insurance claims. Others showcase the sardonic humor of insurance underwriting. And a few possess all the qualities and authenticity of an urban legend. We hope you find them all entertaining. Each tale is followed by a note on applicable insurance coverage and the origin of the tale.

Attack of the Mosquitoes

Unknown to the father of a Minnesota family, his young daughter had left a window and screen wide open in their home late one summer evening.  In the middle of the night the father was awakened by a cloud of mosquitoes. Still half asleep, and without turning on any lights, he quickly stumbled to a… Read More »

Don’t Let That Get in Your Way

Once upon a time, during an ‘unofficial’ high school outing, an incident occurred that will forever be remembered by the victim of a senior class prank. It was fairly common practice for upper classmen to initiate an incoming freshman by first kidnapping the unsuspecting prey.  They would then drive the victim a mile or two… Read More »

I Don’t Think he Could Have Been Speeding

An insured called his agent to inquire as to why their family auto insurance premium had increased.  An agency customer service person explained that, on the basis of the insured’s statements, the son was rated a principle operator of one of the family vehicles.  Further, the boy’s motor vehicle record indicated two chargeable speeding violations. … Read More »

The 2013 Insurance Fraud Hall of Fame

Just when you think you’ve heard the worst-ever tale of bad behavior and that nothing new could possibly surprise you, guess again.  Get a load of these low lives who have managed to commit some truly depraved acts of insurance fraud.  Pay particular attention to the two fellows in the page 1 rogues gallery, Armin… Read More »

15 Most Ridiculous Insurance Claims

Thanks to our friends at Insurance Business America: “Most of the time, auto, home and business accidents are humdrum affairs involving fender benders, storm damage or uninsured motorists—no laughing matter, in other words. In these cases, compiled by, however, we must admit we cracked a grin or two.”  We’ll begin the countdown with number 15.… Read More »

But it Only Moved a Foot!

An insurance company had possession of a Chevrolet Corvette that had been stolen and returned to them by the police for safe keeping. It was parked in the company parking lot only a foot or so from a concrete retaining wall. When the claims department learned of its return, several execs went out to check… Read More »

Valuable Scarecrow Stolen on Halloween

An agent took a call several years ago and was informed a valuable Halloween scarecrow had been stolen from an insured’s front yard. A portion of the conversation went like this: Insured: “Because of its high value, we immediately reported the theft to the police.” Agent: “Wow. What was the scarecrow worth?” Insured: “It was… Read More »

Goat on the Roof

An insured reported a rather unusual claim that occurred at an old river cabin he owned.  One side of the structure had a very large wood pile neatly stacked and tapered up to the roof.  The insured had a goat tethered in the yard and it somehow managed to get free and walk up the wood… Read More »

He Tied His Safety Rope to What?

During a very long and cold winter, snow had accumulated on roofs to such a depth that it became urgent to remove it before the roofs collapsed.  One homeowner, who had performed this task before with only a shovel, was determined to do it much faster this time with a snow blower.  He knew he… Read More »

Disappearance of the Vanilla Extract

A very honest but quite elderly insured told her insurance agent that she was interrupted by the door bell while baking a cake.  When she got back from the door, a bottle of vanilla extract had been stolen from her kitchen counter. Because she had not turned in a claim in over thirty years, “I thought it was about… Read More »